Month March 2018

Clinical monitoring of knee joint effusion/swelling using measuring tape and Stroke test six weeks after surgery

Clinical monitoring of knee joint effusion/swelling using measuring tape and Stroke test six weeks after surgery PDF Google Form_________________________________________________________________________________________ Interrater reliability of a clinical scale to assess knee joint effusion. Sturgill LP1, Snyder-Mackler L, Manal TJ, Axe MJ.,J Orthop Sports Phys…

Effect of Hip-Focused Injury Prevention Training for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Reduction in Female Basketball Players: A 12-Year Prospective Intervention Study

Effect of Hip-Focused Injury Prevention Training for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Reduction in Female Basketball Players: A 12-Year Prospective Intervention Study Background: Programs to prevent anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in female basketball players are scarce. Also, ACL injury prevention training…

Concussion App from World Rugby

Concussion App from World Rugby Concussion is getting a more and more common injury in sport. World Rugby has made a Concussion app targeted the general public, with an attempts to both enhance the user’s knowledge and understanding of the basic…